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We exist to make Jesus known. Church, but through the ancient way faithful preaching and contextualizing the unchanging gospel within a changing culture. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Meet CJCLife India leadership team.
銆婅嚜鐒剁 瀛 崥鐗 鐮旂 銆嬩俊鎭 寲骞冲彴鍜屽井淇 叕浼楀彿寮 閫氬暒锛? Em 涓 浗绉戝 鎶 鏈 崗浼? Em 涓 浗鑷 劧绉戝 鍗氱墿棣嗗崗浼? 涓 浗绉戝 鎶 鏈 嚭鐗堢ぞ 涓 浗绉戝 鎶 鏈. 璁哄 鏈 爺绌跺湪涓婚 灞曡 涓 殑鍩虹 鎬т綔鐢? 涓婚 灞曡 瀵瑰睍瑙堣 璁 ā寮忓甫鏉ョ殑鎸戞垬涓庡 绛? 灞曡 涓婚 涓庡睍瑙堣 璁 悇椤瑰伐浣滅殑鍏崇郴 鈥斺 斾互鈥滈亣瑙佹洿濂界殑浣犫 濆績鐞嗗 涓撻 灞曚负渚? 涓婚 灞曡 璁捐 涓 殑闂 幆璁捐 鈥斺 斾互瀹佹尝甯傚叕鍏卞畨鍏ㄥ 浼犳暀鑲插熀鍦颁负渚? 浠庣 瀛 绋嬫爣鍑嗙湅鍗氱墿棣嗗熀浜庡疄璺电殑鎺 寮忓 涔? 瀵规帴鏂拌 鏍囷紝璺佃 鏂扮悊蹇碉紝鎺 储鏂版ā寮? 鈥斺 斿 浜庘 滈 鏍 粨鍚堚 濈殑鎬濊 冧笌瀹炶返. 涓滀含璁 畾涔 斺 斿叧浜庡叏鐞冪 瀛 腑蹇? 涓 汉鎰忎箟鏄犲皠涓庤窡韪 瀵熸硶鍦ㄥ崥鐗 瀛 範鐮旂 涓 殑搴旂敤. 灏忓 鐢熷弬瑙傝嚜鐒跺崥鐗 鐨勬亹鎯у績鐞嗗強瀵圭瓥鈥斺 斾互鎴愰兘鐞嗗伐澶у 鍗氱墿棣嗕负渚? 鑳 姵,鍒樺缓,寮犲崕鑻? .
Rua Francisco Hruschka, 111, São Luis -. Copy 2016-2018 Todos os direitos reservados. NIVELA CERTO - Nivelador e Espaçador de Pisos e Porcelanatos. Nivela certo, jaragua do sul, vik ferramentas, novelador, espaçador, pisos, porcelanatos.